Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Ferris Wheel

"Yeah, walk away from the ferris wheel, we are looking for you also."
"Okay, what the fuck? they just said to walk towards it."
suddenly in the intensely epic late afternoon sun, the two men are seen walking side by side and quite possibly holding hands.
nothing. they continue to walk with steps of love.
something. they are startled.
the two turn and walk towards us, spacing apart in order to seem legit; the whole time wavering to and fro as if they were magnetically drawn together.
"No one can know about this, okay. No one."
"I know. No one, but it might be too late, just say something about Russel Simmons or something. Break the ice."
now, with the two groups back together they would dig their feet into the six p.m. sand finding warmth below from earlier in the hot afternoon, and having the hardest sober faced trip they will have ever experienced. god forbid that a metal detector man get on the loose..