Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Get a Hobby

After eating lunch the other day with a friend, I suggested helping them out finding a used kitchen appliance for I am currently out of work and had no other real plans. "I really have nothing going on today, so I could totally help you out and track down a stove", is what I said, thinking that it would come off as a helpful to take some stress off of the friends mind; I apparently was wrong. While walking away my friend said, "You should really get a hobby. Stamp collecting?" in a less than exciting tone. (All that I could think of doing was to say that I have fifteen hobbies already and I'm in between things right now.)
This is where the rest of my day got weird. I was perplexed at this comment for one, it made me feel like somewhat of a worthless human being. Also, I haven't ever had a lifestyle suggestion after simply asking to do someone a favor.
Yet in the end it might have been a good thing.
So, I went out and got some cans of paint, to start painting again (as a hobby). Also, I located a fully operational organ. For FREE. So, I have a brand new hobby which is making music in my spare time. Thanks a lot friend for your brash commentary on my lonely and overtly boring life. Hopefully something will come out of this, because if not I could be in a world of hurt come July. And I may come bearing gifts of original art.
(this may read as a moody shit fest. but its not.)

1 comment:

joe said...

may i make a suggestion regarding your new organ:
