Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pear Shaped Feeding Grounds

For those out there wondering where the proper place to indulge in food that might make your body a bit more pear shaped, TOLA's Joe Lobato has taken it to the next level and risked his livlihood to go into the "homefield" of the infamous Pear Shaped Freckler getting a better idea of what diet possibly makes a body do what his does.
"All that I could tell is the Freckler went regular size on white. He doubled the meat, then topped it with a mountain of tomatoes. After that he had them douse the tower with regular Italian topping sauce. He didn't make his way out of the location (Quizno's) without 3 sides of hot sauce.",
Joe included this statement in the email with the picture attached.
All I have to say is, HOT DAMN FRECKLER YOU DON'T MESS AROUND. Thanks again to Joe and for the picture and story.

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